Friday, June 24, 2022

"Solitaire Event - Greenhouse"

[June 24th, 2023]

Trees, flowers, birds…what a relaxing atmosphere.
We can stay here forever and be one with nature.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

'Collection - World Inspiration"

[June 23rd, 2023]

Find inspiration everywhere around you!
Express yourself creatively in a way you never have
before using the possibilities that fashion provides!

Monday, June 13, 2022

"Collection - Vibrant Life"

[June 13th, 2022]

‘Plain’ is not for us!
We are loud and colourful! Get happy
using vibrant colors in your outfit and in

Friday, June 10, 2022

"Teleport Event - Sweethearts"

[June 10th, 2022]

 ‘Sweets for my sweet! Sugar for my honey...’
We just can’t say ‘no’ to candy!
Do you have a ‘sweet tooth’ like us?

Monday, June 6, 2022

"Collection - Elegant for Summer"

[June 6th, 2022]

Create fresh and elegant style for summer 2022.
We always have cute outfit ideas to share with you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

"Lives and Levels Event - Flamenco"

[June 1st, 2022]

Flamenco is self – expression!
Flamenco is bold, elegant, and emotional!
Flamenco is ART!

"Board Event - Jewelry Dresses"

[June 1st, 2022]

Gowns as gorgeous as fine jewelry. 
Sounds thrilling! We gonna feel 
like a million bucks.

"Free Gift - International Children's Day"

[June 1st, 2022]

Happy Children's Day! Wishing you a day full of fun and 
laughs. We hope this gift will make you smile. 

"June Flashback Event"


"Dice Event - Tropical Vibes"

"June 2022 VIP Gift"

[June 2022]

Spend diamonds and win this exclusive gift!

"June 2022 Sneak Peek"

[May 2022]

The loveliest time of the year is coming!
June, you are looking fabulous!

This month you can dance with a Levels & Lives event,
be sweet with a Teleport event, get close to nature with a
Solitaire event,3 brand new collections and a Flashback Dice,
and a Flashback Slots event.

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