Thursday, August 1, 2024

Crediting your sources

Remember to give credit to your sources!

Regardless of whether it is an original someone has taken the time to create and upload or, if it is a base game item someone has uploaded it still takes time and energy. Some form of credit deserves to be given because a service is being provided. 

On this site, you will find links to the released item links from the game Lady Popular Fashion Arena that I have gathered into one place for anyone who is looking to see what past, present, or future events look like, or for the editing Lady Popular community to use. None of the images other than the thumbnail photos and model photos belong to me, all the item links belong to the Lady Popular team. However, I do ask if you use my items for an edit you credit my site or myself as the source of where you found the items. Below I have listed my preferred ways to be given credit

  • If you are an Instagram account, please credit me by mentioning either my site URL or my Lady Popular Instagram @kgrey_lp in the description of the post.
  • If you are a non-Instagram user and posting something used from this site please credit me by mentioning my site URL as well as my in-game name, Katrina Grey (INT server) 

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